YPF Digital Transformation

Control and Supervision Solution for Production Units

A fim de iniciar uma transformação em sua unidade de produção no Brasil, a YPF Química buscou nos controladores programáveis da Série NX a tecnologia necessária para adequar seus processos às demandas de conectividade, segurança e alta produtividade da Indústria 4.0

Solução de controle e supervisão para Transformação Digital da YPF

Altus technology played a key role in modernizing YPF Química, YPF Brasil’s oil and lubricant production unit located in Diadema, São Paulo

Altus products are integrated throughout almost the entire production line, from overfill prevention systems and pressure control for pump shutdowns to operational safety locks, recipe preparation, production line safety, and even the line cleaning system (PIG).

By embracing digital transformation with Altus technology, YPF not only boosted performance and productivity but also strengthened operational and environmental safety across its processes.
Controle preciso

Precise Control

Altus technology controls virtually every process in the company’s production system

Operação Remota

Remote Operation

Reduced human risks in local operations and optimized response times during emergencies

Informações Centralizadas

Centralized Information

The system also enhances the centralization of all data related to resource use

CLP Nexto

Nexto PLC

Nexto PLCs handle data collection, processing, communication, and the operation of the plant’s devices

Processamento avançado com a CPU NX3005

Advanced Processing with the NX3005 CPU

A arquitetura implementada tem como base uma unidade de controle NX3005, CPU da Série NX com alta velocidade de processamento e ampla capacidade de armazenamento de dados, fonte de alimentação integrada e WebServer embarcado. O CLP atua como centro da solução de controle e supervisão, processando os dados coletados junto aos instrumentos de campo e interagindo com os recursos de supervisão local e remota.

In addition to providing the technology for YPF’s digital transformation, Altus contributed engineering expertise through its specialists, who were integral in automating the plant’s production machinery.

Supervisão remota e monitoramento energético

Remote Supervision and Energy Monitoring

In addition to the Nexto buses, the architecture also has a energy multimeter from the Energy Series, responsible for monitoring consumption and the quality of electrical energy of the operation. For local supervision and insertion of recipes, the solution has a HMI P2102NK, 10” touchscreen graphic terminal with P2 Series Ethernet. Remote supervision is the responsibility of SCADA/HMI BluePlant, solution for supervision, control and data acquisition from Altus. Click here to learn in detail about the features available in our supervisory software.

Redes de comunicação de alto desempenho

High-Performance Communication Networks

The developed solution has two control networks: one operating in MODBUS RTU and the other in MODBUS TCP, both controlled by a bus composed of the NX3005 CPU and I/O modules of different models, in addition to a expanded bus with more input and output cards. This composition is responsible for data collection, activation and adjustment of field instruments, such as analog and digital sensors, floats, pneumatic valves, relays , inverters and soft-starters, pressure transmitters and flow meters.