VLT Carioca

Power Substation Control Solution for VLT Carioca

Altus was responsible for developing and implementing the control system for the 14 power substations of VLT Carioca, the public transport system in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Control System for Itaquera and Belém Yards

Each substation was equipped with a Control and Automation Cubicle (CCA), responsible for collecting essential process data and converting protocols using a Hadron Xtorm Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). The converted data is then sent to the Operations Control Center (CCO), which manages all substations as well as the traffic and signaling systems.


Enhanced system reliability and safety using the IEC 61850 protocol


Maintenance Simplified

Faster response times to potential process-related failures

Tempo Real

Real-Time Monitoring

Real-time diagnostics for fault detection and system monitoring



Data management via OPC Server for the Operations Control Center

Supervisão local e remota utilizando a tecnologia Altus

Local and remote supervision with Altus technology

Each substation can be supervised and controlled locally through the HMI installed in the CCA or remotely via the CCO. The local HMI uses a SCADA system developed with Altus' BluePlant software. Both the local SCADA (CCA) and the remote supervisory system (CCO) communicate with Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) via the IEC 61850 protocol.

A set of optimized solutions was created to control and monitor the medium-voltage system and integrate the traction system with the Operations Control Center, using cutting-edge tools for energy sector process monitoring and supervision.

Escopo do hardware e servidos do VLT Carioca

Project Scope: Hardware and Services

The project included the supply and installation of 14 Control and Automation Cubicles (CCA), 14 Remote Terminal Units (RTU), 15 TouchScreen Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI), and 5 Logger SSU ABNT CODI 14522 – Modbus RTU Converters.

The system scope covers control and automation panels, electrical design, network architecture, SCADA system development via BluePlant, integration with field equipment like protection relays, UPS units, energy meters, and rectifiers, as well as configuration, parameterization, and testing of medium-voltage protection relays. It also includes the development of the IEC 61850 network, OPC server configuration, SCADA system integration with the CCO, system startup, and training for operations and maintenance.

Solução baseada na tecnologia Nexto HX

Nexto HX Technology-Based Solution

A aplicação criada para o projeto utiliza a tecnologia da Série HX, unidades terminais remotas da Altus para utilização em sistema de geração, transmissão e distribuição de energia elétrica, e o software supervisório SCADA/HMI Blueplant. Desenvolvidos com base nas normas internacionais IEC 61850 e IEC 61131-3, os produtos HX contam com funcionalidades de destaque, como redundância de fontes de alimentação, redundância de CPUs em um bastidor, protocolos DNP3 e IEC 61850 (MMS e GOOSE) e atendimento ao submódulo 2.7 da ONS. Por ser uma solução de arquitetura modular, a RTU fornece uma grande variedade de módulos de entradas e saídas que, combinados com sua poderosa CPU 32 bits e um barramento baseado em Ethernet determinística de alta velocidade, atendem aos requisitos de diversas aplicações.