Autoclave Supervision System

Vipal’s Dedicated Supervision Solution

Altus was responsible for developing the new Supervisório Master, a control system for autoclaves used by certified retreaters in Vipal’s network.

Supervisory System for Autoclaves

Built on BluePlant technology, the latest version of the supervisory system allows users to easily change recipes, create additional applications, and activate programs without needing specialized technical support. The variety of screens, 3D features, and multi-touch capabilities in Altus' SCADA software create a user-friendly environment, making navigation faster and more intuitive.

Additionally, unlike the previous version, the new Supervisório Master comes with a dedicated database, offering greater reliability in data storage and updates.


A dedicated database ensures integrity and continuous updating of stored data



A fast and precise supervision system that enhances the quality of the autoclave process across multiple units

Convergência de Sistemas

Systems Integration

The solution seamlessly integrates with existing systems, eliminating the need for parallel controls

Informações Centralizadas

Centralized Information

The system also offers better centralization of all process-related information

Sistema supervisório dedicado com tecnologia BluePlant

Dedicated Supervisory System Powered by BluePlant Technology

The integration of BluePlant in the updated system brings significant advantages to users in terms of security, accessibility, system integration, and asset traceability. With this update, the system allows the creation of tags for advanced searches using multiple variables, as well as the ability to modify and add recipes through a computer in the event of an HMI failure in the autoclave.

The new Supervisório Master also enables automatic integration with databases from other tools, as well as the implementation of automatic backups to external servers with high data security.