JBS Pump System

Optimizing the multistage pump system

The multistage pump system is responsible for driving water from the reservoir to the high-pressure hoses and is a critical component in the cleaning process of the Ana Reck unit’s slaughter area.

Greater control over resource usage

Os motores bombeavam água constantemente do reservatório para o ambiente operacional com pressão contínua, o que resultava em desperdício de água, rápida deterioração dos motores e risco de incidentes. A solução para reduzir o consumo de água e o investimento em manutenção dos motores foi a instalação de um sistema de controle utilizando os controladores compactos da Série XP como peça central.
Coleta de dados

Data Collection

Real-time monitoring of operational variables through smart sensors, providing up-to-the-minute data



An advanced alert and diagnostic system offering full oversight of every stage of the process


Energy Efficiency

Significant reduction in the frequency of motor replacements and lower water and energy consumption

Desenvolvimento Flexível

Flexible Development

Nexto System technology enables the development of customized programs for special use cases

Otimização do Sistema de Bombas de Múltiplo Estágio

Optimizing the multistage pump system

The solution integrates an IoT-Ready XP325 PLC, a 10” P2 HMI, Altus frequency inverters, and sensors placed at key points throughout the process. These devices monitor and alert the team to motor status (on/off), water pressure, and reservoir levels.

With this system in place, the motors now activate only when the cleaning hoses are in use, drastically reducing water and electricity consumption.

This optimization has also extended the lifespan of the motors, reducing the replacement rate from one motor per month to one motor every six months. These improvements have significantly cut operational costs, positively affecting the unit’s overall financial performance.

Independência e segurança com a tecnologia Altus

Independence and security with Altus technology

To ensure the team could fully leverage the capabilities of the Altus PLCs and other equipment used in the modernization, we provided tailored technical training to the maintenance staff at the client's headquarters.

Carlos Henrique Azambuja, JBS automation technician and developer of the process logic, emphasized the readiness of the Altus technical team in assisting with adjustments and noted how the training programs were pivotal to the project’s success. "A lot of what I know today came from Altus' online certification training," he says.

Jairo de Quadros, the unit’s maintenance and project coordinator, highlights that the independence offered by Altus’ technology platform is one of its key advantages. "The autonomy I get from using Altus PLCs is incredibly reassuring. It gives me confidence in our daily operations. I truly believe in and trust your (Altus) products," Jairo stated.