Textile Machine Revamp

Control system development

The cutting-edge technology embedded in Altus products and software played a central role in modernizing the control and automation system for one of Brazil's leading textile manufacturers.

Comprehensive control for the production system

Built on Altus' advanced programmable controllers, the system oversees key production processes at the facility, including the Boiler, Scraper, Mercerizer, Sanforizer, and Extractor Washer.

Utilizando os produtos do Sistema Nexto, mais avançada linha de controladores programáveis da Altus, a solução implementada substituiu os já obsoletos equipamentos instalados na planta por um sistema moderno e de alto desempenho.
Controle Preciso

Controle Preciso

Eliminação de falhas de comunicação ou quedas de sistema com os controladores programáveis da Série NX

Operação Remota

Remote Operation

Reduced human risks in local operations and optimized response times during emergencies

Informações Centralizadas

Centralized Information

The system also enhances the centralization of all data related to resource use

CLP Nexto

Nexto PLC

Nexto PLCs handle data collection, processing, communication, and the operation of the plant’s devices

Solução Altus de alta eficiência para controle e supervisão

Altus’ high-efficiency solution for control and monitoring

Featuring advanced diagnostics and hot-swapping capabilities that minimize or eliminate maintenance-related downtime, the Nexto family ensures continuous, high-performance production. The solution also integrates the BluePlant HMI/SCADA software, which offers a comprehensive platform for supervision, control, and data acquisition, combining modern design, connectivity, and an extensive range of features.

Since the modernization, 90% of the company’s manufacturing process now runs on Altus technology. This project demonstrates the strength and superior quality of Altus products —modern, high-performance equipment that adds significant value and delivers an exceptional user experience.