Subway line upgrade

Infrastructure Control and Monitoring System

Altus' Engineering team was selected to design and implement a new supervision system for seven stations on the CPTM South Line, which connects to São Paulo’s metro network.

Control System for Itaquera and Belém Yards

The Supervision System, featuring redundant RTUs, was developed to manage and monitor the lighting, escalators, fire pumps, and main circuit breakers at each station on CPTM's South Line. The stations covered by the automation include Socorro, Granja Julieta, Morumbi, Berrini, Vila Olímpia, Cidade Jardim, and Hebraica-Rebouças (formerly Eusébio Matoso).


Real-time data transmission to CPTM's Supervisory Station


Operational Efficiency

The system allows operators to send commands directly from the HMI located at the CPTM station


Maintenance Simplified

Streamlined maintenance processes with built-in diagnostics and integrated equipment

Alta disponibilidade

High Availability

Redundant systems ensure greater reliability and uninterrupted operations

Comunicação Integrada

Built-in Communication

The system integrates with other panels using protocols such as MODBUS and SPEC 6201, the latter designed specifically for communication with the Fire Panel. Communication via MODBUS and SPEC 6201 enables monitoring and operational control of the General Distribution Board (QGD), pumps, elevators, and fire systems.

Each station is equipped with a Monitoring System (supervisory stations) that communicates with the redundant PLCs over an Ethernet network. This redundancy ensures comprehensive control and command across all system points.